Watershed Monitoring & Reporting

In this section:

  • The MWMO’s Annual Activity and Financial Reports serve as an annual records of our progress in meeting our mission, goals and objectives.
  • The Water Quality Monitoring section contains data and information about our work tracking water quality indicators in our watershed.
  • Our Watershed Assessment activities help characterize physical, chemical, cultural, historic, biological, social, economic, organizational and political resources of the MWMO.
  • Our Watershed Management Plan sets out goals, strategies and implementation actions based on past studies and current data on the watershed.

Annual Activity & Financial Reports

Watershed management organizations are required by law to submit an annual activity report, financial report and financial audit. These documents serve as an annual records of our progress in meeting our mission, goals and objectives.

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Water Quality Monitoring

One of the most important functions at the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) is to monitor and track changes in the water quality of the Mississippi River and in the local stormwater drainage systems. MWMO monitoring team staff conduct regular, year-round sampling of both river water itself as well as the stormsewers that discharge into the river.

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Watershed Assessment

The MWMO’s watershed assessment and research activities seek to develop a scientific base of knowledge that characterizes physical, chemical, cultural, historic, biological, social, economic, organizational and political resources of the MWMO to guide planning and management decisions in the watershed.

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Watershed Management Plan

The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization is committed to protecting, managing and improving the water resources and habitat within our watershed boundaries. We proactively seek out future opportunities for stormwater treatment across the watershed that fits with the desired land use of the redevelopment occurring.

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