Northeast Business Corridor

With help from state and county grants, the MWMO, Metro Blooms and several community partners installed stormwater BMPs at commercial properties in Northeast Minneapolis.

Project Details

Type: Other

Status: Completed

Timeline: 2018-2019

Funding: $150,000 BWSR Community Partners Grant; $50,000 Hennepin County Natural Resources Grant

Partners: Board of Water and Soil Resources; City of Minneapolis; Hennepin County; Metro Blooms

Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment logo

Staff Contact:

Nancy Stowe
Projects and Outreach Director
Email Nancy Stowe
View Bio

The MWMO worked with Metro Blooms and several community partners to install stormwater best management practices (BMPs) at a series of commercial properties in Northeast Minneapolis. The project constructed BMPs at a total of six properties.

Most of the targeted properties were completely covered by impervious surfaces, meaning that stormwater cannot soak into the ground. By upgrading them with various types of green infrastructure, stormwater could be captured and treated on site. This reduces the volume of polluted runoff entering local stormsewers and draining to the Mississippi River.

Each site had previously received a site consultation and a preliminary concept plan detailing opportunities to capture runoff. A variety of BMPs were considered, including tree trenches with Silva Cells, underground infiltration practices, rain gardens, permeable pavements, and runoff conveyance structures. The City of Minneapolis provided input on the design and construction documents.

The MWMO partnered with Metro Blooms to successfully apply for a $50,000 Hennepin County Natural Resources Grant for the project. The Board of Water and Soil Resources provided an additional $150,000 for the project via a Community Partners Grant from the Clean Water Legacy Fund.

The project was rooted in a partnership between Metro Blooms, the McKnight Foundation, Minneapolis Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), and various community and business organizations. Property owners were required to contribute financially to the project and also commit to maintaining their BMPs.

The partners successfully installed projects at TE Studio, PhyGen Coatings, the Islamic Cultural Community Center, and Fair State Brewing, Recovery Bike Shop, and Water Bar and Public Studio.

See more photos of these projects on Flickr.