Community Cleanups

One of the most direct ways residents can help protect water quality is by participating in a community cleanup event. The MWMO launched Good Neighbor Community Cleanups to help residents keep our watershed free of harmful pollutants that run off of roads, parking lots, rooftops and other hard surfaces into storm drains, where they flow untreated into the Mississippi River. Together, residents can make a big impact for water as they keep trash, leaves, grass, dirt and other pollutants out of our stormsewer system and away from waterbodies. This also helps prevent localized flooding by reducing clogging of storm drains.

During a community cleanup, residents pick up trash, leaves, yard waste, dirt and other potential pollutants from streets and other hard surfaces and dispose of them appropriately. The MWMO provides support for neighborhood organizations and other community groups to conduct their own community cleanup events. This includes tools and other resources to use for the cleanup event, as well as promotional materials and other documents to help organize, lead, and track results of cleanup efforts.

Participants are encouraged to share their experiences online and how how fun and easy it is to help protect the Mississippi River. Use the hashtag #MWMOgoodneighbor to help spread the word on social media.

Lead a Community Cleanup

MWMO has resources to assist your community cleanup! Cleanup kits include: rakes, brooms, gloves, trash grabbers, garbage bags, dust pans, hanging scales and safety vests.

Print materials are also included such as: planning checklist, flyers, sign-up forms, safety tips, talking points and reporting forms. You can also download the PDF versions here (ZIP, 2.7 MB).

Request Community Cleanup Materials

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Additional notes, details, questions, etc.