Action Grants

Action Grants are available to complete a water quality and stewardship project that is significant in scope and cost. A project proposed for an Action Grant should demonstrate that thorough planning for the proposed project has already taken place. It must include a realistic budget, secured permissions from landowners for project implementation, construction drawings, and plant lists (if applicable). If these steps are not already complete, consider applying for a Planning Grant.

  • Grant up to $50,000; 25 percent match required
  • Competitive application review process and final award approved by the MWMO Board of Commissioners
  • Please see: Eligibility Requirements

Project Examples

  • Installation of erosion control practices, planting native plant buffers around waterbodies, and ecological restoration (e.g., removal of invasive species and establishment of native species)
  • Implementation of program designs that could result in positive, long-term changes in community behaviors, such as improved water conservation practices, reduction in use of polluting agents (e.g., road salt and lawn chemicals) and use of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • Construction of stormwater BMPs to reduce pollution and improve habitat, combined with reporting on the effectiveness of new technologies and approaches. This could be one or more BMPs identified in a Stormwater Master Plan.
  • Construction of impervious surfaces with high-capacity pervious materials, and documents created for site tours to demonstrate the BMP
  • Implementation of an educational curriculum, creation of a communication or behavior change campaign, or other outreach/engagement projects
  • Implementation of water quality themed educational activities and workshops for an area

For more past project examples, see our Projects section.

How to Apply

Submit an application via email to the contact listed below — Action Grant Application (DOCX, 9 MB, 7 pages)
The application submittal should include the Budget Form — Stewardship Fund Budget Form (XLS, 0.1 MB, 1 page). Budget Form Instructions (PDF, 0.1 MB, 3 pages)

Please use the subject line “Stewardship Fund — Action Grant Application” in your email.

Deadline: Friday, June 28, 2024, by 4:30 p.m.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the MWMO to discuss ideas and ask questions in advance of applying. Please reach out to the contact below to connect with staff about your project ideas.

Applications will first be reviewed by MWMO staff. The MWMO will invite selected applicants to meet to discuss their proposals in more detail and provide the opportunity for revision. Final applications are due Wednesday, July 31, 2024, and will be reviewed by MWMO staff and the MWMO Citizen Advisory Committee. The recommendations for grant awards are reviewed and must be approved by the MWMO Board of Commissioners. Notification of awards will follow the September 2024 board meeting. The next round of grants will be due in December of 2024.

More Information

Eligibility Requirements
Grantee Resources
Stewardship Fund Grants Brochure (PDF, 1 MB, 2 pages)


Adam Flett
Communications and Outreach Specialist
612-746-4988 or