Final Phase of Construction Begins at Columbia Golf Course and Park

The second and final phase of stormwater improvements and habitat construction is ramping up at Columbia Golf Course and Park. From now through the end of the summer, crews will finish installing the new stormwater features, complete golf course improvements, seed and restore habitat areas, and repave trails.

A summary of the work being performed and the expected impacts can be found below. For background information and project history, visit our project page.

What’s Happening

  • Construction will be completed for the northeast wet pond, northwest infiltration basin, and multi-use field (see map). This will include installing drain tile, finishing rough grading, spreading topsoil, finishing grading, applying seed, and hauling out excess material.
  • Golf course improvements will include green and bunker construction, tee construction, and irrigation work (see “Temporary Impacts” below). Cart paths will also be installed and paved.
  • A stormwater pretreatment unit will be installed adjacent to the trail on the west side of Central Avenue, south of the railroad crossing. This will work similarly to other pretreatment units for the project.
  • The Columbia Park parking lot will be resurfaced to address any damage from construction equipment and storage.
  • Concrete and a wood fiber play surface will be installed at the playground.
  • Final landscaping and native seeding for prairie, woodland, and oak savanna habitats will also be completed. Areas to be converted to native habitat that are currently turf or non-native grassland at the fringes will require a series of herbicide treatments first.

Temporary Impacts

  • Traffic: Visitors and commuters can expect to see a temporary increase in truck traffic as workers haul materials to and from the construction sites.
  • Golf Course: There is a temporary reduction from 18 holes to 9 holes for the 2021 season. Other holes may open before the end of the 2021 season if deemed playable.
  • Columbia Park: The parking lot, picnic shelter, and multi-purpose athletic field will remain closed through July.
  • Trails: The trail will remain closed on the west and north sides of the golf course from St. Anthony Parkway to the parking lot on Columbia Parkway for the duration of the project. Pedestrians are detoured to the west side of 5th Street NE up to 35th Avenue NE. Bicyclists may use 5th Street NE and Columbia Parkway (full lane). A brief closure is needed for the trail along Central Avenue while the stormwater treatment device is installed.
  • Playground: The playground will remain closed for the duration of the project, due to its proximity to the construction area. After this project is complete, play equipment for younger children (on the north side of the path) will be replaced, with community engagement in fall 2021 and construction in spring 2022. Play equipment for older kids (south of the path) will remain.

Project Background

Project partners are working together to construct stormsewer improvements and a series of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) on the Columbia Golf Course and Columbia Park. These BMPs will treat polluted runoff from a previously untreated 612-acre drainage area. In addition to keeping pollutants out of the nearby Mississippi River, the project will reduce flooding in both the neighborhoods located within the drainage area and the golf course itself, improve habitat, and enhance golf play and other recreational opportunities.

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