A New Website for a New MWMO

Welcome to our new website! If you’re a returning visitor, don’t be alarmed. You might be asking questions like: What happened to all those soothing, empty white spaces? The whimsical, maze-like navigation menus? The charming-yet-unreadable Papyrus font?

Our new website is nothing like the old one, and that’s by design. We spent months researching our users’ needs and working with web developer Westwerk to build a clean, modern, accessible website that lives up to the innovative spirit of the MWMO.

Right away, you’ll notice that we made some basic improvements like simplified navigation and mobile-friendly page layouts. Other exciting new features include our information-packed project pages (with a searchable map), a Stormwater 101 primer section, an events calendarstaff photo directory and, of course, our new blog.

You might also have noticed that photos play a central role in the new site, highlighting the real people, places and projects of the MWMO. Our goal is to show, as much as tell, why water quality matters and how we can work together to improve clean water and habitat our communities.

What you see today is just the beginning. Look forward to lots of great new content as we continue to expand the website in the coming months. In the meantime, tell us what you think! Sound off in the new comments section, or email us at contacts@mwmo.org.

Finally, we’ll leave you with this side-by-side comparison of the new and old MWMO websites. Did we improve? You be the judge.

MWMO Website - "Before"

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