Join us at MWMO this winter and spring to explore several topics related to the health of the Mississippi River. The Art and Science on the River workshop series blends scientific information with art-making, allowing participants to walk away with a deeper understanding of each topic and the importance of working together to protect and restore the Mississippi River and surrounding watershed.
Each workshop will focus on a specific topic and will include a presentation and discussion with subject-matter experts as well as an art activity guided by local artist Kimberly Boustead.
Art and Science on the River: Salt
Saturday, February 1 at 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Come learn about the impacts of salt on the Mississippi River and the surrounding watershed. Did you know that one teaspoon of salt permanently pollutes five gallons of water and salt makes freshwater uninhabitable for many aquatic species?
Artists Kimberly Boustead and Annie Hejny will lead an art-making activity centered around the interaction of salt and water. MWMO staff member Abby Moore will share information about salt pollution in the river and best practices to prevent it.
Participants can take home some interesting salt art as well as tips to share with friends and neighbors for reducing salt use and protecting the river.
The event is free, but registration is required.
Registration coming soon.
Art and Science on the River: Buckthorn
Saturday, March 8 at 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Participants will gather around a fire to make buckthorn charcoal from buckthorn branches harvested from the banks of the Mississippi River. They can sip on hot beverages while learning about buckthorn and the river from ecologist Alex Roth.
Artist Kimberly Boustead will show participants how to draw with the buckthorn charcoal and then give some options for drawing projects. Participants will leave with their own buckthorn charcoal, their drawings, and new knowledge to share with others.
This workshop is a collaborative effort between the MWMO and Friends of the Mississippi River.
The event is free, but registration is required.
Registration coming soon.
Art and Science on the River: Carp
Saturday, April 19 at 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
This workshop will start with an informative presentation from a Colleen O’Connor Toberman, a local expert on carp in the Mississippi River.
Artist Kimberly Boustead will demonstrate carp printing with a few different types of carp and then participants will have time to try their hand at carp printing, carp-inspired drawing and creative writing.
Walk away from this workshop with art to share and a better understanding of the impacts of invasive carp on river ecosystems and what can be done to manage them.
This workshop is a collaborative effort between the MWMO and Friends of the Mississippi River.
The event is free, but registration is required.
Registration coming soon.