MWMO Seeking Members for Citizen Advisory Committee

Many of our approaches to improving water quality and habitat develop from the insights and experiences of our communities. Creating space for input from local residents, workers, and community members on local water and habitat protection projects is central to creating and sustaining lasting improvements.

At the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) provides opportunities for this type of input. The MWMO is presently seeking to recruit new CAC members who are able to meet three times per year to provide input on projects to improve local waterbodies and habitat and offer feedback on MWMO strategies.

A CAC meeting in August 2018.
MWMO CAC members at a meeting in August 2018.

CAC members review grant applications and make recommendations on projects to reduce pollution and that inspire others to help keep waterbodies clean inside the MWMO watershed. They also have opportunities to assist with organizational strategizing and review the MWMO’s annual budget and other activities. (You can learn more about the MWMO’s work on our website at

If you care about keeping lakes and rivers clean, enjoy working with other environmentally conscious residents and want make a difference, please consider applying to become an MWMO citizen advisor.

To learn more, contact Adam Flett at or 612-746-4988. Information and application materials are also available on our CAC webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization?

The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) is a public organization that partners to protect and improve water and habitat in our urban setting. We invest in people and projects to support clean water, and provide knowledge, scientific data, and expertise to help manage our vital water resources.

The MWMO is a local governmental unit and one of approximately three dozen watershed organizations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Our boundaries include all of Hilltop and portions of Columbia Heights, Fridley, Lauderdale, Minneapolis, St. Anthony Village and St. Paul.

What’s the purpose of having a Citizen Advisory Committee?

The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) helps ensure that residents of our watershed have a voice in the MWMO’s projects and activities. Your participation on the CAC will ensure that area residents’ opinions are taken into account as the MWMO partners with the community to protect and improve clean water and habitat.

How much time do I have to commit to being on the CAC?

CAC members meet two to three times per year. They also read materials in preparation for some of these meetings. Generally, this volunteer commitment is 10 hours per year, unless CAC members choose to participate in activities beyond these meetings

What kind of work do CAC members do?

CAC members read grant applications for projects that seek to manage stormwater in the MWMO area. After reading the grant applications, CAC members suggest which projects they think the MWMO Board of Commissioners should fund. The commissioners consider these recommendations before making their final decision. In addition to this task, CAC members are invited to review the MWMO’s annual budget, assist with outreach, and join in other activities.

Do I need any special qualifications or background knowledge?

No special education or knowledge is required, though we do ask for a letter of recommendation from a local government or community organization. As long as you care about keeping rivers and lakes clean, are comfortable reviewing written materials, and enjoy working with others, you are qualified!

How do I apply?

To learn more, contact Adam Flett at or 612-746-4988. Information and application materials are also available on our CAC webpage.

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