Tag: Mississippi River Green Team

Members of the Green Infrastructure Inspection Team work to clear debris from a sediment trap at a park in North Minneapolis.
August 28, 2023

In Minneapolis, the Green Workforce of the Future has GRIIT

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Mississippi River Green Team members with a goat.
November 16, 2021

MWMO Projects, Partners Featured in The Nature Conservancy’s ‘Trees. Water. Soil.’ Campaign

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Mississippi River Green Team by Dudley Edmondson
November 4, 2021

Mississippi River Green Team: Growing green careers, improving the urban watershed and creating environmental advocates.

The Nature Conservancy

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LEAF interns and their mentor pose in front of a herd of buffalo. (Photo: The Nature Conservancy)
October 2, 2018

MWMO, Nature Conservancy Partner to Forge New Environmental Career Pathways for Urban Teens

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Mississippi River Green Team members working on the Urban Boatbuilders canoe.
August 21, 2018

Urban Boatbuilders Partnership Brings Canoe-Building to the MWMO

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Ruth visiting with a Mississippi River Green Team member in the field.
July 5, 2018

Ruth Murphy Brings a Lifetime of Community Building to the Mississippi River Green Team

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Green Team Alumni Intern, Yengsoua Lee, out on the boat with the MWMO monitoring team.
June 27, 2017

From Mississippi River Green Team to MWMO intern: Yengsoua’s avenue to success

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A park ranger leading a group of paddlers on a canoe on the Mississippi River.
September 12, 2016

Mississippi River Green Team Alumni Find Environmental Jobs

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A Mississippi River Green Team member holds a dragonfly.
July 26, 2016

Catching Dragonflies with the Mississippi River Green Team

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