Jackson Pond

A key stormwater pond in Columbia Heights received an upgrade, improving both its water-retaining and water-filtering capabilities.

Project Details

City: Columbia Heights

Type: MWMO Capital Project

Status: Completed

Timeline: 2015

MWMO Funding: $809,044

Partners: City of Columbia Heights

Staff Contact:

Nancy Stowe
Projects and Outreach Director
Email Nancy Stowe
View Bio

The City of Columbia Heights constructed Jackson Pond in 1965 as a means to control local flooding. Twenty-six flood-prone homes were removed to install it. By 2008, the retaining wall surrounding the pond had almost completely collapsed, and a series of repeated flooding events demonstrated the need for an upgraded retention pond.

The MWMO partnered with the city to co-fund a project to improve both the water-retaining and water-quality capabilities of the pond. The project removed the retaining wall, re-graded the slopes, excavated a stilling basin on the north side of the pond and installed a lift station to provide additional volume control. An underground iron-enhanced filtration system reduces the amount of phosphorus discharged from the site.

See more photos of this project on Flickr.

Jackson Pond