The Rose – South Quarter

A stormwater capture and reuse system irrigates the community garden at this South Minneapolis housing development.

Project Details

City: Minneapolis

Type: Action Grant

Status: Completed

Timeline: 2014-2015

MWMO Funding: $50,000

Partners: Aeon; Hope Community

Staff Contact:

Nancy Stowe
Projects and Outreach Director
Email Nancy Stowe
View Bio

The Rose is the fourth and final phase of construction of the South Quarter housing development (formerly known as the Franklin-Portland Gateway). It includes a number of stormwater control measures to retain up to 75 percent of the stormwater runoff generated from the site and use it to irrigate the landscape.

MWMO funding was used for a sub-surface cistern to capture stormwater and reuse it to irrigate the community garden. In addition to capturing and reusing stormwater, the system will reduce or eliminate the need to use potable city water for irrigation. In an average year, this cistern will provide 83,600 gallons of water for irrigating the gardens.

A hand-pump site feature will demonstrate the connection to and provide an opportunity for interaction with the harvested water. Educational signs and activities will also be incorporated into the site, allowing visitors to learn about the site’s stormwater management features.

South Quarter Phase IV - The Rose